Walking pilgrim

This was one of the magical moments during my camino. Sandra was massaging Franz's feet when a little bird landed on her lap. Sandra wrote about this moment to Amigos, The Conrafternity of St James of South Africa Newsletter No.4, and she was kind enough to give me the permission to reprint her story on this web-page. Here it goes:

A Touch of Camino Magic
by Sandra Smith

One magical evening at Terradillos we were all sitting around the courtyard. A young American carried a guitar on his back and a group was passing it around, with enchanting voices singing in French, Spanish, English. I' d been promising Franz a massage, and as there wasn't anywhere for him to lie down, massaged his feet sitting on chairs. Finishing, I was holding his foot on my knee when a little black bird flew down and sat calmly on my thigh. We froze, smiling incredulously, while pilgrims came over and took photographs. It just sat there, quite happily, until eventually I asked a little girl to fetch a serviette from the diningroom, put the bird into it, and as I gave it to Helmut, a tall German, to put into a tree, it flew away. And next to us the music carried on.

Apparently animals are attracted to Reiki energy and as both Franz and I do Reiki, I can only assume that's what happened.  Massage was very much a part of my Camino and I felt blessed to be able to share this as you well know how much it's needed and appreciated. 


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